Have you found a date for the Sins Invalid webstreaming yet?

There are only a couple of weeks left until the webstreaming of the full 2008 Sins Invalid performance (Aug. 6-12)!  In partnership with Dual Power Productions, we are teaming up with Fierce Bodies to bring this incredible experience to you, wherever you are. Check out our sexy new video announcement!Dual Power Productions logoFierce Bodies logohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfIXMciI2voVideo transcript:Allegra: Hey, Beast, did you hear about that awesome Sins Invalid event that's coming up in the second week of August?Beast: Yeah, I think I did! The pilot of Sins Invalid's new web streaming series! Cosponsored by Fierce Bodies and in partnership with Dual Power Productions, Sins Invalid's annual full shows are going to be streamed online.Allegra: For the first time ever! All over the country (Beast laughs), all over the world. We're starting with the year 2008 and working up. Plus on August 11th the show will be followed by live Q & A with Artistic Director Patty Berne and performer Leroy Moore.Beast: That's so sweet. All of us at Sins Central are really excited about this opportunity. As a mixed ability organization Sins Invalid recognizes that everyone has access needs, and sometimes getting to one of the annual performances is not physically, mentally, or financially possible. That's why we're bringing Sins directly to your living room, or pool, or basement, or...Allegra: library, smart phone...Beast: lakeside cabin, laundromat, hotel room...What we want is to bring together our beautiful communities and also to help raise money to continue Sins Invalid's fabulous work. So what do we need?Allegra: We need your support and your enthusiasm for organizing a viewing party wherever you want, with whomever you want- your lovers! Your support group! Your mom!Beast: Your mom...your cat! Your comrades! Your Hitachi magic wand! Your book club!Allegra: We'd really appreciate your donations via PayPal before the event, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.Beast: So to recap, the Sins Invalid 2008 full show will be streaming onlineAllegra: for the first time ever!Beast: anywhere you want,Allegra: August 6th-12th.Beast: And if you want in on the hotness, or any additional information email Beast and Allegra at info@sinsinvalid.org.